Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) in parakeet
June 16, 2022
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) also named as psittacine circivirus is a deadly virus found on parrots that causes feather loss and strange beak changes. The virus affect all types of parrots in wild and captive. Beside parrots, PBFD can be found in cockatoos, lovebirds and parakeets.
The disease cause immunesupression and is fatal for parakeets. It is almost impossible to alter the virus infection, most of the birds end up dying while only few can recover but baldness can happen and still be responsible for transmission of virus.
Transmission of PBFD
PBFD is extremely infectious. It can be transmitted during feeding of chicks (vertical transmission) and from the infected members of flock(horizontal transmission). Transmission routes are through faeces, feather and secretions.
Symptoms of PBFD

Symptoms are divided in to three categories: Paracute, acute and chronic types.
Paracute type occurs in baby birds or recently hatched birds. They often dies before the symptoms appear.
Acute type is common on young birds during first feather development. The symptoms are depression, loss in appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Chronic type occurs in older birds. These birds develops beak malfunction, discolor or loss of feather.
PBFD can be diagnosed through blood DNA sample test.
Prevention and Cure of PBFD
No medical treatment is found for psittacine beak and feather disease. The only way to protect your loving parakeet is by maintaining proper virus-free hygienic environment. Always disinfect the surrounding and use air purifier to prevent virus from spreading through air.
If a bird is found to be infected, quarantine it and burn the nest to inactivate the virus.
PBFD Vs Electrolyzed Water ‘Meau’
Psittacine circivirus has a long life span and can live in almost all type of environment.
Neutral Electrolyzed Water ‘Meau’ can be used against PBFD. Meau can eliminate 99.99% virus and has strong deodorizing effect. Use of Meau can help you guard your pet bird from PBFD and other various viruses.