Naturally Deodorize Yoga Mat With Electrolyzed Water

Naturally Deodorize Yoga Mat With Electrolyzed Water

Do you ever fill ashamed of nasty smell coming from your yoga mat during yoga practice?
Don’t worry! now you can easily deal with such odor without damaging your mat.

Yoga exercise help to relieve stress, anxiety, and maintain strength and flexibility. Therefore maintaining hygiene of your yoga gear is always important.
Yoga mat comes in contact with sweat, dead cells, dust and grim that mat exposed to. Hence if ignored it becomes breeding ground for bacteria and germs, making your mat dirty and smelly. Therefore, clean your mat regularly and apply natural deodorizer to ensure your mat lasts long and smell fresh.

What Cause Odor In Yoga Mat?

Yoga mat is base for your yoga practice. You step on it, lay down, and do different poses. During the practice your sweat and body oils flows allover the mat plus the mat might be lying on dirty surface.
And if you roll your mat immediately after use then the damp and moisture condition encourage bacteria to thrive hence your mat start to stink.

So how to get rid of such nasty smell safely without involving any toxic chemicals ?

Why Use Natural Deodorizer?

Lot of deodorizer can be found in market those assuring to eliminate odor. But the main problem in most of them is they use toxic chemicals and alcohol as main ingredients. Those harsh chemicals are harmful for human and can cause skin irritation, allergies and respiratory infection. With regular use of such dangerous chemical, discolor of mat is visible along with shortening lifespan of mat.

In contrast, electrolyzed water Meau is eco friendly deodorizer that avoid any toxic substances but is as effective as bleach. Meau is made by electrolyzing salt and water hence cause no harm on skin and is safe for every yoga mat. It can remove any type of odor and sterilize from bacteria and germs.

How To Make Your Yoga Mat Smell Fresh – Deodorizing Tips

Preventing the yoga mat before getting dirty is always best option to avoid stench in your mat. Follow the tips below to make your yoga mat smell fresh.

Wash It

Dirty and stinky yoga mat need deep cleaning. First, fill your bathtub with lukewarm water, add small amount of detergent and mix it well. Soak the mat in the solution for at least 15 minutes. Now gently scrub both side with a sponge or soft cloth to remove any stains or dirt. Again rinse it well and make sure to remove all detergent form the mat. Once you done rinsing, remove it from bathtub and let air dry.
If the mat is heavy because of excess water, use a dry towel to roll it from both side to absorb remaining moisture but do not wring because it can tear and damage your mat.

Some yoga mats are machine washable so do not forget to check the manufacturing labeling to save your time and effort.

Dry Well

Just keeping your mat rolled after use makes a good place for germs abound. So after every use, let your mat dry completely. If possible keep in direct sunlight to let evaporate any moisture but never put your mat in dryer.

Spray Natural Deodorizer

Spray Meau and wipe it with clean towel. Hypochlorous acid present in Meau can kill any type of odor causing bacteria and refresh your mat. Meau is highly effective even with any type of bacteria or fungus. Meau is non toxic, bio-friendly electrolyzed water that contain no chemicals or additives.

Wipe After Use

One of the best way to prevent your mat from smelling is to wipe it immediately after every use. This help to remove any dirt or sweat leftover and prevent from future germs growth. You can use baby wipes or clean cloth to remove sticked dirt or oil stains.

Cover With Yoga Towel

Intense yoga workout like hot yoga make you heated and sweat a lot. Simply cover the yoga mat with yoga towel to prevent moisture in your mat. Yoga towel can dry quickly so you can avoid slipping furthermore, yoga towels are easy to wash.

Avoid Sharing

To avoid any bacterial infection, do not share your mat with others. Your mat might smells someone else sweat and it can easily transmit to you.

Store In Cool Dry Place

You must always pay attention on how to store your yoga mat. Make sure your mat is completely dry because moisture could cause molding and mildew. Roll up the yoga mat properly and keep it in cool, dry place with good air flow. Keep away from reach of pets and children. To be smart, keep the yoga mat in a carrying bag and hang it on a hook.