How to get rid of bad smell from helmet?

How to get rid of bad smell from helmet?

People wear helmets to protect from head injuries if any collision occur during sports and activities like cricket, baseball, hockey, skiing, horse riding, etc.

Proper hygiene of helmet is necessary to prevent from bacteria growing inside your helmet.
Inner padding of helmet absorb sweat which causes bacteria to grow in damp, dark environment. As a result your helmet start to stinks.
So what to do with such smelly helmets?

The best way to get rid of bad smell from your helmet is to wash thoroughly and apply deodorizer that kills odor causing bacteria.

Follow the steps below to remove unpleasant smell from your helmet.

Scrub the surface

Use a wet cloth towel to scrub the surface.
This will remove any dirt, dust on your helmet.

Dismantle your helmet

Follow the instruction given on your manual to gently remove the parts like visor, cheek pad, etc. Remove any electronic device (camera, microphone) attached to your helmet and keep it separately.
Be sure not to force remove any section, you might damage helmet parts.

Wash your helmet

Prepare a shampoo and warm water in a container. Grab a sponge and dip in the shampoo solution to wash your helmet parts gently.
Wash interior lining properly to make sure no grime remains.
Use toothbrush to scrub areas where sponge cleaning becomes inadequate.

Rinse your helmet

Furthermore use warm water to rinse all the shampoo from your helmet.
Continue massaging while running water for deep cleaning.
Make sure you do not use force water flow because it might damage exterior painting.

Dry your helmet

Wet helmet take time to dry. Let your head protector dry in well ventilated area.
Drying on direct sun can help remove unpleasant smell but make sure not to dry on direct sun for more than 1 hour. You can use a fan or air blower for air dry.

Reassemble your helmet

Finally, reassemble your helmet to the original form. You can start with cheek pads and face shield.
Follow the instruction like you did while remove it’s parts.

Use Deodorizer

We recommend to spray Meau and let air dry to eliminate any kind of odor form your helmet.
Meau is non-alcoholic, bio-friendly sanitizer and deodorizer that cause no harm on human skin.
Few drops of Meau can deactivate all kind of bacteria those are responsible for your stinky helmets.