How To Clean a Moldy Fridge and How to Prevent it From Future growth?

How To Clean a Moldy Fridge and How to Prevent it From Future growth?

The fridge in the kitchen helps to preserve your foods by keeping it cool and fresh.
But what is the condition of your food savior since it keeps running for a long time.

When temperature inside fridge rises and with no enough ventilation, mold tends to grow inside. Mold adds toxins to food, causes a pungent smell and is extremely dangerous if inhaled or touched. Consuming contaminated food can lead to several illness and hazardous health conditions. People with mold allergies or asthma may have a severe reaction. Symptoms like sneezing, red or itchy skin, cough or lung infection can be observed.

This is why you should regularly clean your fridge and make it mold free.
But how to clear if there is already mold inside?
Here’s information on the causes of mold, how to clean it and methods to stop mold from returning.

What Causes Mold to Form in The Fridge?

Molds are caused by fungus that are extremely resilient and thrive in cold, damp and shady areas. Because of dark and moisture condition inside refrigerator there become suitable habitat for mold to reproduce.
Mold needs food, water and oxygen to grow. When food is left inside for a long time or allowed to rot then mold tends to grow and starts to spread through air circulation.
Dairy products, baked goods and meat with moisture promote mold growth.
Also, mold spores may appear if your fridge has long power outrage and is not working properly.
If your fridge is experiencing high humidity, leakage at water line, it’s time to call a professional to fix it.

How To Clean Moldy Fridge?

Wipe and scrub gently inside of the fridge with a damp cloth until the mold is gone, then dry with a clean paper towel.
Always use a non-toxic disinfectant to sanitize your fridge before refilling it.
We highly recommend our bio-friendly, non-alcoholic product Meau to use while cleaning a moldy fridge and to discourage mold from future return.
Now let’s get ready for the following items to get the job done.

  • Rubber gloves and mask
  • Bucket
  • Sponge
  • Toothbrush
  • Clean towel
  • Meau

Step 1: Empty Inside

To begin with, wear rubber gloves and a mask to avoid direct contact with contamination.
Remove all items inside your fridge, check their expiration dates, and toss all expired and contaminated fruit and vegetables. Make sure no one consume these spoiled and mold suspect foods.
And of course, don’t forget to unplug the fridge from the main socket to avoid any electric shock.

Step 2: Remove Shelves and Drawers

Remove shelves, drawers, trays and any other removable parts from the fridge. Wash them separately in a sink with warm soapy water. Rinse them well with clear water.
Fill the bucket with Meau and soak the detachable components for a few minutes. Remove from bucket and allow to air dry.
This will deactivate any mold causing fungus and eliminate their odors.

Step 3: Clean Thoroughly

Dip a clean towel or sponge in a bucket of Meau and use it to clean the walls, ceiling, floor and every surface of fridge compartment. Wipe any visible mold and stain with damp towel. Use a toothbrush to scrub on mold spots and fridge gasket. Repeat the process until all visible mold is gone.
Meau has the power to neutralize any type of mold or bacterium and can eliminate all kind of nasty smells. Spray Meau regularly and wipe it with a clean towel to discourage mold from growing again.

Step4: Dry And Re-organize

Finally let the fridge dry completely. Use a clean paper towel to dry inner and outer surface. Your fridge should now not contain any mold and should smell fresh.
When finished drying, attach the shelves, trays, and the other parts removed earlier. Connect and plugin the cord to start your fridge.

How To Prevent Mold From Forming In The Fridge?

Once mold starts growing inside, it become notoriously difficult to get rid of it. The best treatment for mold, therefore, is to prevent it in the first place.
The easiest way to ignore mold in the fridge is to throw away any outdated fruits or vegetables. Toss any foods that have begun to rot and be sure only dry, fresh food remains inside.
Spilled juice, milk or cheese is always a perfect breeding ground for mold. So wipe it down immediately to avoid mildew and horrific odor.
Always cover your food on top with container seal, lid or plastic wraps.
Do not overload your refrigerator.
Regularly check on your fridge and make sure everything is working fine.

However, molds always tries to grow where there is food and moisture. Removing mold and eating hygienic food is always crucial for your family’s health. So get ready with Meau to fight back with any kind of harmful germs and bacteria that might appear in your house. If you have any queries about Meau then please let us know from here.