How To Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell & Prevent from Future Repetition
July 11, 2022
Having kitty as a pet is always fun but do you ever get tense from nasty smell of her pee lingering inside your house? It is frustrating when your cat starts to urine outside the litter box. It is hard to detect on some area and other stains requires special treatment.
Cat owner needs to eliminate urine odor to stop cat from peeing repeatedly on the same place. Cat often urine to the previous spot if urine odor exist. In here, let me explain the proper steps needed to get rid of that nasty smell and how to prevent cat from peeing outside litter box.
Why is Cat Urine so Stinky?
Cat urine consist of chemicals like urea, uric acid, sodium and bacteria which are hard to eliminate.
When your carpet, clothe, furniture is affected with cat urine it is hard to clean with normal household cleaners. Urine uric acid can last for several years.
Uric acid however is odorless but when it dries it breakdown in to ammonia. Ammonia is the reason why cat urine has sour scent.
How to Deal With Cat Urine Smell?
To get rid of cat urine smell you need to clean the spot thoroughly and neutralize the source of odor. Killing the odor causing ammonia can only stop odor lingering in your outdoor area. Follow the steps below to stop urine stench ruining your house atmosphere.
Step 1. Find The Spot
Firstly detect the spot of cat urine. If urine dries it is hard to address mainly in carpet and furniture. You might not see the stains but stench worsen gradually over time spent. If urine dries in carpet, it deeply penetrates in to carpet fibre causing discolor of your carpet.
Step 2. Air Vacuum
Remove any cat hair or dust residue in the surface. Dust particle help bacteria flow easily. Vacuum the surface over dry stains.
Step 3. Allow Blotting
As soon as you find cat urine outside litter box, immediately blot the area with clean dry towel. Blotting helps to absorb wet urine and reduce the amount from the surface. Hence, less effort for deep cleaning.
Do not scrub on carpet, you might end up spreading the urine on more carpet fibre.
Step 4. Clean and Rinse
Prepare a household cleaning solution in cool water. Dip a sponge or clean cloth in the solution and scrub the area on carpet. Rinse the area with cool water and clean it.
Do not mix contaminated cloth together with other cloth in washing machine. Cat urine smell can be transmitted easily to other cloths causing more trouble to deal with. Wash them separately with cool soap water. Remember do not use hot water, it may set the stench and leave your cloth with no other choice than to trash it.
For hard surface, use wet clean cloth dipped in the soup solution to scrub the area. Next, blot with clean paper towel to remove water until it cleans.
Step 5. Deodorize
Apply our pet-friendly sanitizer and deodorizer Meau to remove any harmful substances and lingering odor. Within few seconds, Meau can deactivate ammonia, that is responsible for unpleasant stinky smell.
Spray Meau in affected couch, furniture or carpet to neutralize any stubborn odor and discourage kitty from repeating this behavior.
Meau is non-toxic, non-alcoholic and is safe even if licked accidentally by cat.
Use of Meau helps to maintain bacteria free hygienic environment for pet and their pet owner.

How to Prevent Cat From Peeing Outside Litter Box?
Check if litter box is easy for your cat to use. Make sure it is large enough and comfort for your cat use. Clean the box frequently.
Cats are territorial animals. They want to mark their territory by peeing on the surface. If you have more than one cat than make sure you have enough litter box for each cat.
If your cats still shows abnormal urination problem then visit your cat with veterinarian. Your cat might be suffering from some serious mental stress or health problems. Feed her with healthy diet and give enough attention to help recover from mental trauma.