Get Rid of Aphids on Roses With Natural Remedies
August 18, 2022
Is your beautiful rose garden being ruined by pests? Are your rose leaves beginning to wilt or change color? Well, aphids might have invaded your garden. It’s time for you to act immediately to restore your garden charmness. But don’t worry, you can get rid of aphids easily without using any harsh chemicals. You just need to have knowledge about perfect home remedies.
First Let me Explain About Aphids

Aphids are tiny but extremely devastating, sap-eating pests found in the garden. They live in colonies on the underside of rose leaves and flower buds. The parasite insect use sucking mouthpart to feed on nutrition-rich liquids out of plants and weaken them. If ignored can cause serious damage on plants. Though they may be small in size about 1/16 to 1/4 inch long, they multiply quickly and are very good at reproducing. So it is important to get them under control before the colony becomes large enough. However unlike other insects, aphids moves slowly and most of them can’t fly, therefore can be removed easily by hands or target with sprays.
How to Get Rid of Aphids on Roses by Natural Remedies?

Aphids in roses can be controlled by using various home remedies. Knocking them with hose, applying soap water or employing natural predators are some organic ways.
Roses are popular with their fragrant blossoms and indoor family members may contact those flowers so using toxic pesticides is not a good idea. Here are some tips to avoid aphids on roses naturally and prevent from future return.
Remove By Hands
Aphids can be easily seen with naked eyes, so you can physically remove aphids by your hands. Put on your garden gloves and squish them or just brush them away.
If any part of plant is discolored or heavily damaged by aphids then cut it and throw them away. You can dispose the damages parts, put them in water to kill the pests to prevent them from re-infestation. Regularly check your plant and wipe if eggs or larvae of aphids are discovered.
Strong Spray of Water

The small infestation of aphids can be drive off easily with sharp water spray. Use a garden hose to spray the water in wide-angle without damaging the plant. This will blast the aphids off the foliage to the ground where ground-dwelling natural predators will consume them. Morning time is recommended to rinse your roses.
Apply Soap Water
Mix a tablespoon of insecticidal soap with one liter of warm water and use a spray bottle to spritz the rose foliage and flowers. The soapy solution causes soft bodies to desiccate and kill the aphids. Remember aphids are likely to hide beneath the leaves so be careful to coat the underside of the leaves too. It is better to drench your plant completely with suds every 2-3 days until the rose bushes becomes aphid-free.
Spray Meau

Meau is natural, non-toxic disinfectant and deodorizer produced from electrolyzing salt and water. Meau doesn’t have an insecticidal effect, but the smell of it deter aphids. After the use, Meau does not leave any harmful residue and is safe for your plant and family.
Introduce Natural Predators

Ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps are all predators to aphids and consume them as a food source. Ladybugs and other insects can be bought from garden supply stores. For maximum result, release those bugs in evening as some ladybug can fly away during the day time. However you may require large number of bugs to get the result effectively and this process might take time to get the desired result.
Plant Aromatic Plants
Plants having strong odors are not place where aphids like to visit. Planting aromatic plants like onions, garlic, sage, catnip and ginger around the proximity of roses will repel aphids. Beside those, flowering plants like marigold and geraniums has the scent that keep those bugs at bay. Scrabbling these aphid-repellant plants near your rose bushes is effective to make your garden aphid-free.
To control aphids is not that difficult once you know which remedy works for you. Preventing your garden from aphid attack is best way to keep your garden flourish. Water your plant daily to keep them healthy. Trim your rose bush if it becomes large. Fungus will hide in large bushes and becomes difficult to eliminate them. Spray Meau regularly to keep away any pests visiting your garden.